Vinyl Striping & Sealing

We can make your dull and faded vinyl & lino floors look brand new!

Before Vinyl

Before Vinyl

During Vinyl

During Vinyl

After Vinyl

After Vinyl

Vinyl, Lino and Rubber are types of plastic flooring, mostly used in shopping centres, nursing homes, dentists, doctors, kitchens & laundry’s and the list goes on. It’s mainly used due to its ease of maintenance.

However, new vinyl flooring must be protected because once the surface becomes scratched or scuffed from trolleys or foot traffic the abrasions become increasingly difficult to remove or hide. Therefore from day one it is essential to maintain it

Most finishes on vinyl and alike is a smooth finish it’s mostly water resistant and can be polished or treated to a rock hard mirror like high gloss finish
Here at All Carpet Care & Pest Control we provide professional stripping, cleaning and sealing for all your Vinyl & Lino floors needs!
